Partner with one of the Inc 5,000's fastest growing companies in America!
Exclusive Debt Elimination Process
Help your clients break the chains of debt and make a lot of money doing it!
  • Help your Clients Eliminate their Debt in 9 years of Less !
  • ​Help your Clients Reduce their Taxes !
  • ​Help your Clients Drastically increase their Retirement!
No Extra $$
Our proprietary process allows your clients to use the money they are ALREADY spending on a monthly basis & get their inefficient dollars working for them twice! 
The key is to have the money your clients are already spending to continue to capture compounding interest without interruption!
We only use financial products with guarantees, allowing us to pinpoint the EXACT dates their debts will be paid off! 
What if we could show you how to get your Clients out of debt in 9 years or less including their mortgage without spending any additional dollars than they are spending right now?
Many Americans are on a treadmill, with goals to be further ahead but just can't seem to get there with tax, tuition, inflation, the rising cost of health care, and countless other factors. 
Did you know that the average individual pays 34% of the money they earn in a lifetime out to interest? This interest goes to cars, credit cards, student loans, mortgages, all the things we finance is interest going out. 
And taxes are even worse!  About $.40 of every dollar the average American earns goes out to taxes!  Everything from income tax, to sales tax, capital gains tax, gas tax, estate tax, etc.
This leaves only 26% to pay for everything else like vehicles, clothes, insurance, gas, food, travel, etc. We call this Lifestyle money. Of this amount only 3% goes toward savings...
How Our Process Is Different
We focus on the problem, 34% going to interest and 40% to taxes.
What if we could reduce that 34% going to interest and also reduce taxes? That would allow for more lifestyle money and would also free up cash to contribute towards debt reduction and savings!
Using our unique and proprietary 7 steps of Money Management, we can do just that.
"This program is the best thing since sliced bread. I've gone back to several of my previous clients to help them put a plan in place to pay off their mortgage and other debts much sooner than they otherwise would and I made more than $54,000 in commissions in my first month doing it."

     Mike L., MO
"I was reviewing our bills and was frustrated that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to lower our debt. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. After listening to [my adviser] and seeing the numbers on paper, I have to admit, the program intrigued me. 
Come to find out, (this) way was better. We have now been on the plan for almost two years now and have paid off over $50,000.00 in debt. I should also mention that we have not had to change our lifestyle either. Our personalized financial plan shows that we could be completely debt free within 10 years, including our mortgage, and still be able to send our 2 children to college and retire without financial hardship.
Thank you for being patient with a skeptic and providing the tools to obtain a debt free future."

     Erika M., MA
"I thought I was doing well paying off my 30 year mortgage in 15 years by simply adding more money directly to the principal.  I also had some other goals that were going to take some time to achieve. However, with this method, I will pay off my mortgage and achieve my other goals all within 5.8 years! You have also helped me shave off an additional $28,000 of interest on my mortgage.  You answered all my questions and made the process so easy.  If only I knew this concept when I was still paying off my student loans!"

     Ellen C., FL
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